Why Memomoti is an engaging way to learn?

Traditional curriculums and teaching methods are not compelling to new digital native generations, and they don’t support the latest studies about effective learning, including micro-learning, frequent retrieval practice, enabling autonomy, and dissociating failure from learning. Efforts to provide personalized learning options in an engaging format, converting existing curriculums to digital often require a lot of resources and special expertise which is challenging for non-digital parties
EduGamiTec has developed Memomoti that channels learning content into digital games. The platform caters not only to parents and children but also to educators and game developers. Memomoti can manage any learning content created by learners of any age, teachers, or educational publishers in quiz question-answer format and it can display it to any digital games, which implemented the Memomoti system.
Game designers have no limits in how they implement Memomoti into existing or new games and how they integrate learning into the game mechanisms. Memomoti offers building blocks to content developers, allowing them to create a completely new learning experience with infinite scalability.
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