Choose how you engage with learning—break free from rigid, one-size-fits-all methods.
Transforming mandatory training into content that aligns with each employee’s unique needs.
Help content creators to design once and deliver in multiple ways to meet diverse learner needs.
Disaster resiliance education
Launching a New Era of Resilience:
Exciting news! The eduGamiTec team is delighted to announce our perticipation in the B-Prepared Horizon Europe project.
Initiate by a 15-member international consortium funded by the European Union, our project is dedicated to revolutionizing disaster preparedness. By integrating gamification, virtual reality (VR), and an accessible knowledge base, our mission is to empower individuals and communities across Europe.
EduGamiTec’s upcoming learning management system RU-PREPARED, what links the immersive VR game with a gamified app and knowledge base to provide users with a seamless experience in disaster preparedness education.
Tell us what you think!
Your feedback is invaluable to tailor our solutions to your needs!
FILL OUR SURVEYGamtred – Take your CORE knowledge and let your employees WANT to learn it again, and again. Anytime. Anywhere.
Gamtred is an innovative, AI-powered learning platform that transforms corporate training into engaging, personalized experiences. By breaking down complex training content into bite-sized, nano-learning formats, and delivering it through mobile games and native mobile learning apps, Gamtred ensures better retention, enhanced employee satisfaction, and a seamless learning experience anytime, anywhere.
CORE Knowledge training
Focused, AI-driven extraction of critical knowledge ensures employees retain the information they need most. Gamtred supports tweet-sized nano-learning bits, quiz style questions and answers. In addition, using survey questions immediate feedback can be acquired about the learning process.

Diverse Learning Formats
Choose from text, podcasts, videos, or games—whichever works best for each learner. 85% of internet users are playing videogames. The obvious solution is to combine the pleasant with the useful, and use games to increase training outcomes.

Seamless Mobility
In addition to mobile games, the audio and video delivery methods are also flexible based on the learner’s choice. Access training on any device, anytime, anywhere, with progress synced across platforms.
Memomoti: for self development
Our first product is the Memomoti platform published in 2020, designed for children, their teachers, and parents. Here, any lesson can be broken down into simple quizzes that can be automatically practiced in any of our seven games.
Latest News
Welcoming our new team member: Attila Lengyel is our new Chief Innovation Officer
Big News: Attila Lengyel Joins EduGamiTec as Chief Innovation Officer! We are beyond excited to welcome the one and only Attila Lengyel to the EduGamiTec family as our Chief Innovation[…]
Read moreWork Consistently Through Prioritization
Eat My News, a global media platform that focuses on stories about people, interviewed me about my entrepreneurial journey. Thank you for the great questions Deshna Jain. Financial difficulties[…]
Read moreAbout the project…
Organizations need to continuously educate their staff for a variety of reasons: legal compliance (e.g. anti-bribery, cybersecurity), behavioral change (e.g. inclusion and diversity, anti-harassment). These trainings can be delivered to employees in a variety of ways, but in recent years, thanks to the Covid situation, they have been predominantly digital. The already low engagement has further declined due to less personal delivery. The completion rate for corporate training is barely 25%. The retention of the training material is also low.
Why can’t we play instead of learning? However, the real question is: Why can’t we learn while we are playing?
About us…
“When the wind of change blows, some people build walls, others build windmills.”
– Chinese proverb

Gira SZAKMÁR, Founder
20+ years in GAMING INDUSTRY
As a game developer I used to use my skills to create educational games to support my daughters learning. I regularly changed the learning content in them when it was needed. It worked extremely well. They learned faster, better, with less stress, more motivation, and far more fun than the regular methods.
However, it took a long time to keep up with the curriculum, creating new version of the games every time when they got a new assignment! Why don’t we have a tool where we can personalize the learning content and leanrn them into real entertinment games? I looked around on the market and did not find any solution covering all this needs, so we created one!
We are a diverse group from gender, age, nationality, skills, and personality perspectives. However, we share the vision that education must change for the sake of our children.
Our Team
We are highly experienced, enthusiastic people working on the project with complementary backgrounds. We all believe in the importance of revolutionizing education for the benetit of our children.



Bussines Development & Innovation

Technology & Development
“This is a great opportunity to bring technology to something that is extremely important to a lot of people, the need for driving innovation in the education system for our kids. EduGamiTec is revolutionizing education trough AI and gaming and is going to make the learning experience for students more valuable and something to have fun with”

Vadim Zendejas
Open Source Technical Lead at Microsoft and Technical Advisor
“Our world has changed hugely in the last 50 years and is constantly changing but education is pretty much the same as it was. Education is based on conformity while kids are diverse. This project aims to offer kids more individualised tasks and could make schools more interesting where curiosity and creativity also have an important place.”

Katalin Gárdonyi
Corporate Accountant
“I am very excited about working with an organisation dedicated to supporting education and motivating students to learn. I believe that by providing instructors and teachers technology tools like these will change the education landscape. This technology will also assist schools meet the ever-increasing demands on the education system especially in countries with diverse language needs.”

Lynette Stoltzfus
Marketing Strategy | Business Development | Market Research & Analysis
„Normally my professional home is more the world of interiors, design, culture and travel rather than technology or education. But that was exactly was caught my interest when I met Gira for the first time and learned more about edgamitec. I understood quickly that there is a true need for such a service and I immediately started thinking about how to target the right customers with the help of different media and online platforms to support with driving the business. Proud and motivated to be part of the team and ready to change the way of learning by contributing my expertise.”

Jessika Maria Rauch
Public Relations advisor